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Беседка-болталка/Altanka do gadania/International chatter pavillion-38

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хотела бы слабое помахивание лапой



http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/bye.gif - вот это очень живенько, да?
Или это не лапой?



типа брежнева на мавзолее

но более томно



да слишком живенько



diagnoza написал(а):

Александр, что там в полуклинике сказали умного?

ничего несказала золотая рыбка, только хвостиком махнула и уплыла в сине море)))
В понедельник будут результаты, т.е. должны дать заключение что я годен к государственной гражданской службе. Я за этим вобщем то ходил)))
А так сделали кардиограмму и взяли анализ крови из вены и и пальца, хирург ноги посчитал, невропатолог по коленкам постучал и выписал мне какое то лекарство, не могу прочитать какое



Alice написал(а):

кстати как тебе нравится Титов четвертый

А где остальные три)))



diagnoza написал(а):

Калина тебе без надобности, как понимаю

давно на таблетках уже



вот тут почитайте  кто может Жщ)

я на би-би заглянула  Касательно владения английским языком  и мозгами  и чувством юмора  и широтой души  ну ладно может просто английским великим и могучим  приятель мой  давно не было
Зашел. сказал Жщ)))). там обсуждают сцепились преступление ли дрезден хиросима нагасаки
ну все как обычно
вот он зашель   немножко меня прикрыл     сказаль Жщ) 
я плакаль 
век живи век учи английский идиотом помрешь
Почитайте пункты 1-2-3-4 особенно.

And that brings us back to the subject of the Roma, and whether they pose a security threat to France, or whether listening seriously to people discuss nations as if they were individuals is INSANE, and bound to lead to desperate horror.

In any case, there are four things I would tell anyone non-native English speaking person who wishes to understand english language discussions regarding ww2. They are:

1. The British did not take part, but since they lost an empire in the previous war, kind people tolerate them pretending to have been the "winners". The fact was that the British Army ran away just as fast as it could go when the Germans advanced through Europe, and then they sat in England until it was all over, bar the moping up. When the Americans arrived to save their real estate investments from Stalin, and rescue some german scientists and torturers they had invested a lot of money into, the British asked to be allowed to come along for the ride. The Americans allowed them to tag along, on the proviso that they not get in the way, and refrain from speaking unless spoken to. Germany never attacked England, nor wanted to, but this does not stop the BBC publishing AT LEASTone article a week concerning the war and the way it was won by the british. The british belief that they won the second world war is not fanciful. It is the claim that they even contested the matter which is pure fantasy. The claim that they won the war it is just slapstick humour, designed to entertain visiting russians. The italians have their pope, or rather they rent one as required, and the british have their queen. In the end, show business is a tough game, and you need to wear funny hats for all you are worth when you are a leader of a small nation with a shonky work ethic and a feudal political economy.

2. Americans would like to have interesting and factual discussions about the war, but unfortunately it took place outside of America, and so nobody from that great country knows where anything happened. Much of the time this is superfluous, because with a little skill and a great deal of cunning one can describe campaigns in terms of their code names, or by reference to oceans, and when pressed for details one can drop the names of famous generals and mention the jews and the death camps. That usually diverts the conversation, allowing the American spectator to avoid the acute embarrassment of not knowing whether Austria has kangaroos, or whether Finland is a tropical nation near africa, as it is clearly overrun by sharks. This sheds light on the fact that Americans often speak warmly of the Soviet Union's participation in the war, despite the communist nature of that regime. The Soviet Union had the benefit of being vast and uniform, allowing the American spectator to have an even chance of pointing to it on a globe, if they could just remember which bit signified the USA, and could thus avoid it, and the bits directly above and below.

3. There were two nations called Poland in the 1930's. The one we know today once had an evil twin. The evil Poland invaded the baltic states which had been created by Germany during the first world war, having been carved from the Russian haunch, and used mercenaries from the disbanded german army to fight a proxy war against anyone who had land that could be grabatized by the western backed polish regime. So this evil poland spent 20 years between the wars invading neighbours and shooting civilians and eradicating local languages and generally behaving in a warlike, aggressive and brutal fashion towards everybody. The other Poland, the good twin, sat in a meadow or soft green grass, surrounded by pretty daffodils and the gentle buzzing of contented bumble bees, reading a book of architectural poetry published by the Peace Collective Of the World. Nobody knows quite what happened to the evil Poland. Speculation has it that it was eaten by a bear in 1938, or that it slipped on the greasy remains of a dead Lithuanian, and then fell into a marsh on the border of Belarus and was never seen again. In any case, it disappeared completely and one must be very careful not to confuse the evil twin with the child of light we know and love today. It can cause great offense to the quality.

4. Bombing folks from the air and setting children aflame with phosphorous is entirely different to the act of bombing them from the ground and burning them in ovens. The difference is not simply one of altitude, although we come back to that in a minute, but also of substance. When you bomb a child, or tens of thousands of children, from the air, and set them aflame to run screaming through the streets, this is an act of war carried out by heros, and indeed we all owe our freedom to such behaviour. But when a person kills a child with a bomb placed on the ground, well this is the devils work, and it is very likely that following such an incidence we shall need to drop many bombs from aircraft onto numerous additional children, just to set things right again. So you can see that the difference is not simply one one situation, but also of religious certainty. It is easy to remember which is which, if you tell yourself that god sits on a cloud, and speaks english, and so dropping bombs on children from the air is thus sanctified, whereas the devil most often wears a dress and frequents roadside cafes, and thus bombs delivered on the streets are evil and possibly illegal as well. The point to take away is that bombing children is a complex business that needs to be done with just the right style. It is always best to wear a funny hat while you do it, and for heavens sake speak english. It is much easier to pull the trick off if the children in question are brown, yellow or black, but if they speak german then that is ok too. If you are going to bomb french children, do it quickly and refrain from phosphorous, because they tend to complain, being no good at warfare.

So once a person has covered those four points, it is possible to have an entirely satisfying and indeed cheerful discussion about THE WAR.

In the event of confusion, which I confess afflicts stupid folks like myself with alarming frequency, it is worth considering the huge advantage of being perfect.

Being perfect, and speaking a language dripping with the trappings of perfection, allows one to define terms for others as well as oneself, and thus one brilliantly avoids the need for argument. It is amazing that others have not also thought of this trick, but then it is a widespread postulation that perfection is both singular and speaks english, thus reflecting the nature of our lord, who art in heaven, or at least on a cloud, and who blesses us with kings, queens, pope and napalm.

One does not wish to preach on the religious aspect of perfect morality for too long, but it is worth remembering that one's head of state derived her legitimacy from the divine blessing of the holy spirit. It is therefore proper and correct for socially mobile Americans to listen attentively to all manner of folks wearing funny hats, because it is the dickens of a problem being both the leader and owner of a national enterprise at the same time, without having to endure the indignity of peanuts thrown from the gallery of unwashed farm animals. One hopes that as they learn themselves where what is in the world, our American friends will also learn their place, and perhaps then tell the russians.

Now where did I put my funny hat?

Отредактировано Alice (2010-09-21 16:16:28)



Александр Леонов написал(а):

давно на таблетках уже

Я не к тому. То есть, калина на сердце хорошо, а на кости-суставы однофигственно.
Но ничего, никто в панику не ударился - значит, все с тобой хорошо.
Про лекарство тебе Алиска объяснит, а я пока ей смайлик поищу http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/biggrin.gif



Alice написал(а):

вот тут почитайте  кто может

... и конспектом выложите, пожалста http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/dntknw.gif

(а зато я польский знаю, воть! http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/tongue.gif)



в англ надо перевесить потом и надолго всем хватит Жщ)))))))))



Не получится, Алиска. Все смайлики сегодня на удивление живенько себя ведут.
А мне пора обед спасать http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/light_skin/girl_prepare_fish.gif



Alice написал(а):

она от давления

Да, от давления, аритмии/тахикардии, улучшает память и зрение.



а на ВВС разве не закопирайчено всё по самое не могу? О.о




Alice написал(а):

тут да наехала  Ну так он мне просто простит! Жщ)))))

ОК http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/biggrin.gif



Ладно  Рута может ты и права  я его не спрашивала  ради сохранения нашего светлого образа подредактирую начало оставлю 4 пункта только Жщ)

тогдап будет просто цитата



Alice, смотри сама, может, он и не против))) Но я всё спёрла в AkelPad (пока раздают) :)



Так. Тут грядёт литературный конкурс на лучшие фантастические рассказы, тему задаёт сам Сапковский... http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/shok.gifhttp://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/yahoo.gif
Я в смятении... Хочется, а колется!



вообще на самом деле все это фигня

просто красиво говорит и в приятном для русских духе

а лучше всех по-английски пишет threnodio Жщ)  но только он пишет кратко  по 10 слов в век Жщ(

а живее всех пишет бузет кстати



Александер птом обсудим про остальных титовых и славянский шкаф  еще время есть.



Давайте меня из модеров выгоним, а я сяду за рассказ и за английский?
Вот приду на ВВС и навякаю там;)

Тут грядёт литературный конкурс

Тут - это не на МуВВ, это вообще по России (и СНГ?)



Рута написал(а):

я сяду за рассказ и за английский?

Ты, красавица, модераторством не отмазывайся.https://forumupload.ru/uploads/000d/0e/cb/518-1.gif Пиши и учись! http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/yes.gif



у Дэвида кот заболел  я отвлекусь отсюда немножко

два мира - 1 система! Жщ)




Alice написал(а):

у Дэвида кот заболел

Ну вот (



всем привет https://forumupload.ru/uploads/000d/0e/cb/518-4.gifhttp://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/friends.gif
работу мне навалились http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/shok.gif
я не знаю как я всё сделаю http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/swoon.gif



Ewa написал(а):

работу мне навалились

Привет, Эваhttps://forumupload.ru/uploads/000d/0e/cb/840-5.gif

Ты же на больничном, какя работа?




Ewa написал(а):

я не знаю как я всё сделаю

держись, боец



Ju_G написал(а):

Ты же на больничном, какя работа?

у подруг времени нет,они работают для меня,то принесли мне то что нам вместе надо сделать



Рута написал(а):

держись, боец




Ewa написал(а):

я не знаю как я всё сделаю

"Нет таких крепостей, которых не могли бы взять (наши) большевики !" (почти с) http://i.smiles2k.net/lol_smiles/thumbup.gif


Вы здесь » Межнациональное общение / International communication » Беседка-болталка » Беседка-болталка/Altanka do gadania/International chatter pavillion-38