Yekaterinburg, Russia
9/15/10 3:30 PM Local Time
Yekaterinburg, RUSSIA
Feels Like: 15°C
Temperature: 15°C
UV Index: 1 Low
Pressure: 1016.9 mb.
Wind: From WSW at 35 km/h gusting to N/A km/h
Humidity: 59%
Visibility: 10.0 km
Dew Point: 7°C
Tambov, Russia
9/15/10 1:00 PM Local Time
Tambov, RUSSIA
Feels Like: 21°C
Temperature: 21°C
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Pressure: 1007.5 mb.
Wind: From SSE at 21 km/h gusting to N/A km/h
Humidity: 39%
Visibility: 10.0 km
Dew Point: 7°C
Saint Petersburg, Russia
9/15/10 1:30 PM Local Time
Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA
Feels Like: 18°C
Temperature: 18°C
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Pressure: 1006.1 mb.
Wind: From S at 18 km/h gusting to N/A km/h
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: 10.0 km
Dew Point: 12°К
Barnaul, Russia
9/15/10 5:30 PM Local Time
Barnaul, RUSSIA
Feels Like: 6°C
Temperature: 9°C
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Pressure: 1016.9 mb.
Wind: From WNW at 21 km/h gusting to N/A km/h
Humidity: 66%
Visibility: 10.0 km
Dew Point: 3°C
Riga, Latvia
9/15/10 12:50 PM Local Time
Feels Like: 15°C
Temperature: 15°C
UV Index: 1 Low
Pressure: 1000.0 mb.
Wind: From SSE at 32 km/h gusting to N/A km/h
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 10.0 km
Dew Point: 12°C