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Беседка-болталка/Altanka do gadania/International chatter pavillion-67

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Время глобальных перемен - мышления, систем, поведенческих стандартов... http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/bye.gif



А я и не драматизирую. Что вижу - то пою. Цитирую новости, которые кажутся важными и/или интересными.
Драматизируют германцы, которые уже на улицы вышли с протестом "против мирного атома".



Боевой Тушканчик написал(а):

вышли с протестом "против мирного атома

Ну и это ничего не значит, ибо всегда найдутся люди, извлекающие личную корысть из любого события или люди "всегда против всего".



Radiation exceeds legal limit in Fukushima plant premises

TOKYO, March 13, Kyodo

Tokyo Electric Power Co. has notified Japan's nuclear safety agency that the radiation level at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has exceeded the legal limit, the agency Sunday.

Hourly radiation at the site was measured at 882 micro sievert, in excess of the allowable level of 500.

The agency also said the company acknowledged that the No. 3 reactor of the quake-hit Fukushima plant had lost its cooling functions, while 19 people at a nearby hospital were found to have been exposed to radioactivity, in addition to three cases of exposure recorded Saturday.

The utility supplier notified the government early Sunday morning that the reactor had lost the ability to cool the reactor core. The reactor is now in the process of releasing radioactive steam, according to top government spokesman Yukio Edano.

It was the sixth reactor overall at the Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 plants to undergo cooling failure since the massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan on Friday.

The disaster raised fears of radioactive leaks from the plants after cooling systems there were hampered, most seriously at the No. 1 reactor.

An explosion Saturday at the No. 1 plant blew away the roof and the walls of the building housing the No. 1 reactor's container.

The government and nuclear authorities said there was no damage to the steel container housing the troubled No. 1 reactor, noting that the blast occurred as vapor from the container turned into hydrogen and mixed with outside oxygen.

Tokyo Electric Power has begun new cooling operations to fill the reactor with sea water and pour in boric acid to prevent an occurrence of criticality. Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano said in a press conference Sunday morning that there had been no major changes in the results of radioactivity monitoring near the No. 1 reactor.

Following the explosion, the authorities expanded from 10 kilometers to 20 km the radius of the evacuation area for residents living in the vicinity of the Fukushima plants.

The Fukushima prefectural government said Saturday that three people had their clothes contaminated with radioactive substances while fleeing from the No. 1 nuclear plant.

The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said Sunday that 15 people were found to have been contaminated at a hospital located within 10 km from the No. 1 reactor. Edano said there was a possibility that nine people who fled on a bus had been exposed to radioactivity.


Отредактировано Ju_G (2011-03-13 15:10:00)



http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/bye.gif Idę na dwór! Taka ładna pogoda. Zupełnie jak na wiosnę w 1986. http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/shok.gif



http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/201 … 9000c.html

/.../ The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., commonly known as TEPCO, began injecting fresh water into the No. 3 reactor's core vessel on Sunday to deal with the problem that the tops of MOX fuel rods were 3 meters above the water inside.

But after trouble developed with a fresh water pump, the company was forced to pour seawater into it, a step that will eventually lead to the reactor's dismantlement. As a result, water levels began rising again, Edano said.

Radiation around the reactor rose above the legal limit to 1,557 micro sievert per hour at 1:52 p.m., but the figure went down to 184 about 50 minutes later. Given the radiation level, Edano said a hydrogen explosion is unlikely to affect human health even if one occurred.

Meanwhile, radiation monitored at the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture on the Pacific coast shot up from late Saturday through early Sunday, Tohoku Electric Power Co. said, adding that radiation levels were low but about 700 times as high as normal. /.../



Ciekawe, że w Japonii jak wyłączyli elektrownie, to z Rosji uruchomili i awaryjne dostawy gazu ciekłego i dostawy prądu przez ten kabel podmorski. Nie wiem czy pisaliście o tym w ferworze walki. Pa. http://i.smiles2k.net/aiwan_smiles/bye.gif



У нас сейчас +9 градусов и светит Солнышко. Пахнет весной. Хотя сугробы еще не растаяли, но лужи глубокие.



Помощь до сих пор не может быть оказана многим пострадавшим.





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